It’s the world’s favorite drink after water. Dutch explorers search miles for it. It’s warm, comforting and refreshing. You can soothe a sore throat and can get comfort with it. It comes in different colors and flavors. Guess what is it? Yes, you are right! Its TEA! Tea is the beverage of the soul and mind. History : Early use of tea dates back to the 3rd century AD in China, where it was used mostly for medicinal uses. It is native to East Asia but now is grown in many countries of the world. China grows most of the tea. Other countries like India, Kenya, and Japan are also contributing to its production. What is tea? Tea is a warm beverage that is made by boiling tea leaves in water or pouring hot water to leaves. Types of tea: There are many types of tea like black tea, green tea, milk tea, peppermint, and spiced tea. A variety of techniques for processing tea, and a number of different forms of tea, were developed through the centuries. Sometimes i...